1st School on Suborbital Flight
School Website: http://sisinflab.poliba.it/suborbitalflightschool/2019/
October 28-30, 2019
During the last years, the space sector is going through a new period of development and is attracting worldwide the attention of public and private investors looking for new sources of economic growth and innovation. In fact, today we may talk of “space economy”, which refers to all the activities dedicated to exploration, research, management and exploitation of space resources to create value and improve the quality of life of human beings.
Main actors of this new economy are still Governments, since space activities are fundamental for strategic and economic goals and for national prestige. However, even if, especially space manufacturing is linked to institutional civil and military investment, in the last two decades an increasing number of private companies engaged in technology development in the space sector, gradually changing the traditional roles of public and private player. In particular, this trend is clear in the US, where many private companies are competing for developing modern spacecraft and launch systems.
A wide range of commercial activities can be envisaged; on one hand, there is the infrastructure development, related for example to satellite manufacturing, launch services, ground stations; on the other hand, commercial services include satellite communication, Earth observation, navigation services, space tourism, microgravity experiments, atmospheric research, technology development.
The 1st School on Suborbital Flight in Taranto aims at fostering the development of space economy by providing an overview of the scientific, commercial, operational, and regulatory aspects of suborbital flight through seminars by experts from academic, research, and industrial institutions.
Program, Important Dates and registration instructions are available on the school website.
Steering committee:
- Vito Albino, Politecnico di Bari
- Caterina Ciminelli, Politecnico di Bari
- Pietro De Palma , Politecnico di Bari
- Eugenio Di Sciascio, Politecnico di Bari
Organizing committee
- Mariagrazia De Giorgi, Università del Salento
- Francesco Dell’Olio, Politecnico di Bari
- Elia Distaso, Politecnico di Bari
- Francesco Nocera, Politecnico di Bari
- Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli, Politecnico di Bari
- Elisa Pescini, Università del Salento