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    Sistemi Informativi

    Eugenio Di Sciascio

    Full Professor
    Scientific Coordinator


    Interpretability of BERT Latent Space through Knowledge Graphs
    Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM 2022)

    On the Relevance of Explanation for RDF Resources Similarity
    Proc. of 3rd International workshop on Model-driven Organizational and Business Agility, MOBA 2023

    Orbital kinematics of conjuncting objects in Low-Earth Orbit and opportunities for autonomous observations
    Acta Austronautica

    CPU-side comparison for Key Agreement between Tree Parity Machines and standard Cryptographic Primitives
    IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies, DESSERT’2022

    Combining Biomechanical Features and Machine Learning Approaches to Identify Fencers Levels for Training Support
    Applied Sciences

    Cyber-Attack Mitigation in Cloud-Fog Environment Using an Ensemble Machine Learning Model
    In Proceedings of 2022 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech)

    A User Behavior Analytics (UBA)-based solution using LSTM Neural Network to mitigate DDoS Attack in Fog and Cloud Environment
    in Proceedings of 2022 2nd International Conference of Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (SMARTTECH)

    A Situation Awareness Computational Intelligent Model for Metabolic Syndrome Management
    12th IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA)

    Brain Computer Interface, Visual Tracker and Artificial Intelligence for a Music Polyphony Generation System
    18th International Conference promoted by the IFIP Technical Committee 13 on Human Computer Interaction - (INTERACT 2021) - DEMO SESSION

    A Biofeedback System to Compose Your Own Music while Dancing
    18th International Conference promoted by the IFIP Technical Committee 13 on Human Computer Interaction - (INTERACT 2021) - DEMO SESSION

    Brain Computer Interface, Visual Tracker and Artificial Intelligence for a Music Polyphony Generation System
    18th International Conference promoted by the IFIP Technical Committee 13 on Human Computer Interaction - (INTERACT 2021) - DEMO SESSION

    A Web Crowdsourcing Platform for Territorial Control in Smart Cities
    22nd International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2022)

    User Feedback to Improve the Performance of a Cyberattack Detection Artificial Intelligence System in the e-Health Domain
    18th International Conference promoted by the IFIP Technical Committee 13 on Human Computer Interaction - (INTERACT 2021)

    Semantic interpretability of latent factors for recommendation
    10th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop, Padova, Italy, 2019

    From Name-Centric to Information-Centric Networking
    IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)

    Semantic Interpretation of Top-N Recommendations
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

    Knowledge-enhanced Shilling Attacks for recommendation
    Shilling Attack, Recommender SystemThe 28th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2020), Villasimius (CA), Italy, June 21-24, 2020

    How Dataset Characteristics Affect the Robustness of Collaborative Recommendation Models
    Proc. of ACM SIGIR 2020 - 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval

    Semantics-Aware Autoencoder
    Recommender System, Deep Learning, Knowledge Graph, Autoencoder Neural Network, Explanation, Cold start problemIEEE Access

    Semantic-based Decision Support in Healthcare via Radio Frequency Identification
    5th Italian Conference on ICT for Smart Cities And Communities (I-CiTies 2019)


    Object (B)logging: a Decentralized Cognitive Paradigm for the Industrial Internet of Things
    2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2019)

    Semantic matchmaking as a way for attitude discovery
    8th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces (IWASI 2019)

    Guest Editorial: Industry 4.0: the DIGITAl Transformation in the Engineering findings (DIGITATE)
    IET JoE Special Issue Industry 4.0: the DIGITAl Transformation in the Engineering findings (DIGITATE)

    A model for Reflective Middleware based on fuzzy rule for context-awareness injection in ubiquitous computing environments
    Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies 2019:(SpliTech 2019)


    Local Popularity and Time in top-N Recommendation
    41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019)

    From Biosignals to Affective States: a Semantic Approach
    2nd International Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (ICCBB 2018)

    LiquiDADE: a Liquid-based Distributed Agile and Adaptive Development Environment (DADE) Multi-Device tool
    Proceedings of the 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2018)

    The PERSON project: A serious brain-computer interface game for treatment in cognitive impairment
    Health and Technology

    Computing recommendations via a Knowledge Graph-aware Autoencoder
    Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems 2018 co-located with 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2018)

    Moving from Item Rating to Features Relevance in Top-N Recommendation
    Proceedings of the 9th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop - IIR

    Exploiting Knowledge Graphs for Auto-Encoding User Ratings in Recommender Systems
    Proceedings of the 9th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop - IIR

    Schema-aware feature selection in linked data-based recommender systems
    Proceedings of the 8th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop

    Feature factorization for top- n recommendation: From item rating to features relevance
    Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Intelligent Recommender Systems by Knowledge Transfer & Learning

    On the role of time and sessions in diversifying recommendation results
    Proceedings of the 8th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop

    Querying deep web data sources as linked data
    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, {WIMS} 2017, Amantea, Italy, June 19-22, 2017

    Preface of the 2nd International Workshop on Engineering the Web of Things (EnWoT)
    Current trends in Web Engineering (ICWE 2018 International Workshops)

    A Blockchain Infrastructure for the Semantic Web of Things
    26th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2018)


    A model-free technique based on computer vision and sEMG for classification in Parkinson's disease by using computer-assisted handwriting analysis
    Pattern Recognition Letters

    Auto-Encoding User Ratings via Knowledge Graphs in Recommendation Scenarios
    Autoencoders, DBpedia, Deep Learning, Knowledge graphs, Linked Open Data, Recommender SystemsProceedings of the 2Nd Workshop on Deep Learning for Recommender Systems

    A Mobile Health System for Neurocognitive Impairment Evaluation based on P300 Detection
    ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems

    Reasoning over RDF Knowledge Bases: where we are
    16th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

    Supply Chain Object Discovery with Semantic-enhanced Blockchain
    15th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2017)

    Preface of Joint Workshop on Engineering the Web of Things and Liquid Multi-Device Software
    Current trends in Web Engineering (ICWE 2017 International Workshops)

    A pre-process clustering methods for the Waste Collection Problem
    IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI 2017)

    An adaptive Complex Event Processing-driven SIoT network formal metamodel
    3rd Italian Conference on ICT for Smart Cities & Communities (I-CiTies 2017)

    Semantic Blockchain to Improve Scalability in the Internet of Things
    Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT) Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2017) in conjunction with VLDB 2017


    Object (B)logging: Semantic Self-Description for Cyber-Physical Systems
    International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2017)

    An analysis on Time- and Session-aware diversification in recommender systems
    to appearUMAP - 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization

    A Mobile Matchmaker for the Ubiquitous Semantic Web
    Mobile Computing and Wireless Networks: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications


    OWL API for iOS: early implementation and results
    13th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop and 5th OWL reasoner evaluation workshop (OWLED - ORE 2016)

    Schema-summarization in Linked-Data-based feature selection for recommender systems
    32nd ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing

    Ontology-based reflective Iot middleware-enabled agriculture Decision Support System
    9th International Semantic Web Applications and tools for life sciences Conference (SWAT4LS 2016)

    Supporting Environmental Analysis and Requalification of Taranto Sea: an Integrated ICT Platform
    The Tenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2016)


    From the Physical Web to the Physical Semantic Web: Knowledge Discovery in the Internet of Things
    The Tenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2016)


    A Semantic-based Approach for Resource Discovery and Allocation in Distributed Middleware
    Proceedings of the Posters and Demos Session of the 17th International Middleware Conference

    Brain-Computer Interface using P300: A Gaming Approach for Neurocognitive Impairment Diagnosis
    18th IEEE International High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop

    Toward Wise Cities: a knowledge-based approach for home and building resilience
    2nd CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities & Communities (I-CiTies 2016)


    Kalman-Kriging Technique Applied to Space-aided Distributed Sensor System to Manage Critical Environmental Events
    3rd IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace

    Metrological Characterization and Semantic Annotation of Space-aided Distributed Sensor System for Hydrogeological Disaster Management
    SET-222 Specialists' Meeting on Swarm Centric Solution for Intelligent Sensor Networks


    A Knowledge-based Approach for Resource Discovery and Allotment in Swarm Middleware
    SET-222 Specialists' Meeting on ‘’Swarm Centric Solution for Intelligent Sensor Networks’


    Context-aware design of reflective middleware in the Internet of Everything
    1st International Workshop on Formal to Practical Software Verification and Composition (VeryComp 2016) - Co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2016)

    Sound and Music Recommendation with Knowledge Graphs
    ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)

    Dai biosegnali agli stati emotivi: un approccio semantico
    XVI Convegno Nazionale Associazione Italiana Ingegneri Clinici (AIIC 2016)


    Linking the Web of Things: LDP-CoAP mapping
    The 7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2016) / Affiliated Workshops

    SPRank: Semantic Path-based Ranking for Top-N Recommendations using Linked Open Data
    ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)

    Defining and Computing Least Common Subsumers in RDF
    Journal of Web Semantics. Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web


    ReIOS: Reflective Architecting in the Internet of Objects
    4th International Conference on Model-driven Engineering and Software Development (Modelsward 2016)

    LOSM: a SPARQL endpoint to query Open Street Map
    The 14th International Semantic Web Conference - ISWC 2015 (Posters and Demo)

    Building a relatedness graph from Linked Open Data: a case study in the IT domain
    Expert Systems With Applications

    Designing a Cyber-Physical System for Fall Prevention by Cortico-muscular Coupling Detection
    IEEE Design & Test - Special Issue on Cyber‐Physical Systems for Medical Applications

    Indoor/outdoor mobile navigation via knowledge-based POI discovery in augmented reality
    The Third International Workshop on Data Oriented Constructive Mining and Multi-Agent Simulation (DOCMAS) and the Seventh International Workshop on Emergent Intelligence on Networked Agents (WEIN)

    A Logic-based approach to Named-Entity Disambiguation in the Web of Data
    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

    Ontology-driven car pooling via semantic matchmaking: a context-aware approach
    I-CiTies 2015 - CINI Annual Workshop on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities


    Exploiting Regression Trees as User Models for Intent-Aware Multi-attribute Diversity
    2nd Workshop on New Trends in Content-Based Recommender Systems

    Content-based recommendations via DBpedia and Freebase: a case study in the music domain
    The 14th International Semantic Web Conference - ISWC 2015

    Clinical Decision Support System for Estimating the Risk of End-Stage Kidney Disease in IgA Nephropathy
    Nephrology Dialisys Transplantation

    Adaptive Diversity in Recommender Systems
    IIR 2015 - 6th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop

    A mobile matchmaker for resource discovery in the Ubiquitous Semantic Web
    4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2015) - Special Track on Services for the Ubiquitous Web

    A Semantic Hybrid Approach for Sound Recommendation
    24th World Wide Web Conference

    An evaluation of SimRank and Personalized PageRank to build a recommender system for the Web of Data
    7th International Workshop on Web Intelligence & Communities

    Ontology-driven pattern selection and matching in software design
    Software Architecture - 8th European Conference, ECSA 2014, Vienna, Austria, August 25-29, 2014. Proceedings.

    Semantic matchmaking for Kinect-based posture and gesture recognition
    Eighth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2014)

    Finding Commonalities in Linked Open Data
    Proceedings of the 29th Italian Conference on Computational Logic

    An analysis of users’ propensity toward diversity in recommendations
    8th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2014)

    A Linked Data Recommender System using a Neighborhood-based Graph Kernel
    The 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies

    Body posture recognition as a discovery problem: a semantic-based framework
    The 2014 International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT'14)

    A deductive approach to the identification and description of clusters in Linked Open Data
    Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI '14)

    A semantic-enhanced augmented reality tool for OpenStreetMap POI discovery
    17th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2014)

    Semantic matchmaking for Kinect-based posture and gesture recognition
    Eighth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2014)

    Try to predict grid faults: a dynamic, semantic-based and multi-dimensional approach
    CIRED Workshop 2014 "Challenges of Implementing Active Distribution System Management"


    Top-N Recommendations from Implicit Feedback leveraging Linked Open Data
    7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2013)

    CoAP-based Healthcare Sensor Networks: a survey
    The 11th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology (IBCAST 2014)

    Common Subsumbers in RDF
    XIII Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

    Simple and Effective Knowledge-based Vehicle Monitoring and Driving Assistance
    16th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2013)


    Top-N Recommendations from Implicit Feedback leveraging Linked Open Data
    7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2013)

    Mobile Movie Recommendations with Linked Data
    Human-Computer Interaction & Knowledge Discovery @ CD-ARES’13

    Knowledge Compilation for Core Competence Extraction in Organizations
    16th International Conference on Business Information Systems

    An End Stage Kidney Disease Predictor based on an Artificial Neural Networks Ensemble
    Expert Systems With Applications

    Semantic-based Knowledge Dissemination and Extraction in Smart Environments
    International Workshop on Pervasive Internet of Things and Smart Cities (PITSaC-2013)

    Cinemappy: a Context-aware Mobile App for Movie Recommendations boosted by DBpedia
    1st International Workshop on Semantic Technologies meet Recommender Systems & Big Data (SeRSy 2012)

    A logic-based CoAP extension for resource discovery in semantic sensor networks
    5th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 11th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2012)


    Large Scale Skill Matching through Knowledge Compilation
    20th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS’12)

    Enabling the Semantic Web of Things: framework and architecture
    Sixth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2012)

    A Mobile Reasoner for Semantic-based Matchmaking
    The 6th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2012)


    UBI - CARE: ubiquitous learning per medici e pazienti
    Atti di DIDAMATICA - Informatica per la didattica - edizione 2012


    Multi-attribute Bilateral Negotiation in a Logic-based E-marketplace
    Negotiation and Argumentation in Multi-agent Systems

    A Recommender System for Linked Data
    Semantic Search over the Web

    An Agent Framework for Knowledge-based Homes
    3rd International Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES 2012). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012)


    Semantic Matchmaking for Location-Aware Ubiquitous Resource Discovery
    International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems


    Movie Recommendation with DBpedia
    3rd Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2012)

    Ubiquitous Knowledge Bases for the Semantic Web of Things
    First Internet of Things International Forum


    Web 3.0 in Action: Vector Space Model for Semantic (Movie) Recommendations
    27th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2012) - A Technical Track on The Semantic Web and Applications (SWA)

    Knowledge compilation for Automated Team Composition exploiting standard SQL
    Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM (SIGAPP) Symposium on Applied Computing

    Finding Commonalities in RFID Semantic Streams
    The 5th International Workshop on RFID Technology Concepts, Applications, Challenges (IWRT 2011)

    Querying Compressed Knowledge Bases in Pervasive Computing
    19th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2011)


    Like Breadcrumbs in the Forest: a Tool for Semantic Exploratory Search
    1st international workshop on linked web data management (LWDM 2011)

    What if Exploratory Search and Web Search meet?
    6th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP 2010)

    Un sistema web-based per la gestione, la classificazione ed il recupero efficiente della documentazione di scavo
    Archeologia e Calcolatori supplemento 2 (atti del IV Workshop Italiano Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica)

    Semantic-based Geographical Matchmaking in Ubiquitous Computing
    The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO2010)


    A Mobile Knowledge-Based System for On-Board Diagnostics and Car Driving Assistance
    The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM2010)


    Location-Based Semantic Matchmaking In Ubiquitous Computing
    2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology

    Semantic tag cloud generation via DBpedia
    11th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web 2010)

    Semantic Wonder Cloud: exploratory search in DBpedia
    2th International Workshop on Semantic Web Information Management (SWIM 2010) - Best Workshop Paper at International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2010)

    Semantic tagging for crowd computing
    18th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2010)

    Ranking the Linked Data: the case of DBpedia
    10th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2010)


    Mobile Semantic-based Matchmaking: a fuzzy DL approach
    The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. Proceedings of 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010)

    Semantic-based RFID Data Management
    Unique Radio Innovation for the 21st Century: Building Scalable and Global RFID Networks


    RFID-enhanced Ubiquitous Knowledge Bases: framework and approach
    Unique Radio Innovation for the 21st Century: Building Scalable and Global RFID Networks

    Weighted Description Logics preference formulas for multiattribute negotiation
    third International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2009)

    Semantic-enabled Resource Discovery, Composition and Substitution in 802.11 Pervasive Environments
    Third IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2009)

    Computing Information Minimal Match Explanations for Logic-based Matchmaking
    2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and agent Technologies WI/IAT 09

    Informative Common Subsumers for Disease Diagonosis
    9th International Conference on Knowledge Management I-Know 09

    A System for Retrieving Top-k Candidates to Job Positions
    22nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2009)

    A Semantic Web enabled System for Résumé Composition and Publication
    1st International Workshop on Semantic Web Information Management (SWIM 2009)

    Semantic-Based Top-k Retrieval for Competence Management
    18th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems ISMIS2009

    Top-k Retrieval for Automated Human Resource Management
    17th Italian Symposium on Advanced database Systems-- Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati (SEBD-2009)

    Semantic-based Resource Discovery, Composition and Substitution in IEEE 802.11 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
    Wireless Networks

    Computing Utility from Weighted Description Logic Preference Formulas
    Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VII

    RFID-based semantic-enhanced ubiquitous decision support system for healthcare
    The 3rd International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges (IWRT 2009)


    I.M.P.A.K.T.: an innovative, semantic-based skill management system exploiting standard SQL
    11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'09)


    Semantic-based Automated Evaluation of Company Core Competence
    5th Italian Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives

    Match'n'Date: Semantic Matchmaking for Mobile Dating in P2P Environments
    proc. of Second Int. Workshop on Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web (SMR2 2008)


    Abduction and Contraction for Semantic-based Mobile Dating in P2P Environments
    proceedings of 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology

    Finding Informative Commonalities in Concept Collections
    proc. of ACM 17th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2008)

    A semantic-enabled mobile directory service for RFID-based logistics applications
    proc. of 2008 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2008)

    A semantic-based mobile registry for dynamic RFID-based logistics support
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2008

    A Fuzzy Description Logics approach to Bilateral Matchmaking in Electronic Marketplaces
    Proceedings of Sixteenth Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems --SEBD '08

    A Semantic-based Registry enabling Discovery, Composition and Substitution of Pervasive Services
    In proceedings of Seventh International ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access -- MobiDE 2008

    Fuzzy bilateral matchmaking in e-marketplaces
    12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems - KES2008

    Partial and Informative Common Subsumers in Description Logics
    proc. of 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2008)

    A ubiquitous knowledge-based system to enable RFID object discovery in smart environments
    Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges

    Fuzzy Description Logics for Bilateral Matchmaking in e-Marketplaces.
    Proc. of the 21st Intl. Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2008)

    Extending Propositional Logic with Concrete Domains in Multi-issue Bilateral Negotiation
    proc. 5th International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT 2007)

    Towards a fuzzy logic for automated multi-issue negotiation
    International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems FoIKS 2008

    Semantic-enhanced EPCglobal Radio-Frequency IDentification
    4th Italian Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP 2007)


    Semantic-based Search Engine for Professional Knowledge
    7th International Conference on Knowledge Management I-Know 07

    Automated Building Blocks Selection based on Business Processes Semantics in ERPs
    Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA Journal)

    If Objects Could Talk: A novel resource discovery approach for pervasive environments
    RFID, semantic web, pervasive computing, matchmakingInternational Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT)

    Integrating Radio Frequency Object Discovery and Bluetooth for Semantic-based M-commerce
    International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM07)

    An efficient data compression algorithm for semantic-based ubiquitous computing applications
    International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM07)

    Neural networks for image processing: new edge detection algorithm
    IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference EIT

    RFID meets Bluetooth in a semantic based u–commerce environment
    9th International conference on Electronic Commerce, ICEC 07

    Extending Datalog for matchmaking in P2P e-Marketplaces
    15th Italian Symposium on Advanced database Systems-- Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati (SEBD-2007)

    Semantic Bayesian Profiling Services for Information Recommendation
    Engineered Applications of Semantic Web - SWEA @ 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems - KES2007

    If Objects Could Talk: Semantic-enhanced Radio-Frequency IDentification
    The First International Workshop on RFID Technology Concepts, Applications, Challenges (IWRT 2007)


    Extending Propositional Logic with Concrete Domains in Multi-issue Bilateral Negotiation
    proc. 5th International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT 2007)

    Vague Knowledge-bases for Matchmaking in P2P E-Marketplaces
    4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007)

    When Price is not enough: Combining Logical and Numerical Issues in Bilateral Negotiation
    proc. of International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2007)

    Efficient Automatic Selection of Semantically-annotated Building Blocks for ERPs Customizing
    10th International Conference on Business Information Systems

    Semantic and bayesian profiling services for textual resource retrieval
    3rd Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives SWAP’06

    jUDDI+: A Semantic Web Services Registry enabling Semantic Discovery and Composition
    The 8th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the 3rd IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing

    Towards Mobile Semantic Grid for Infomobility
    11th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation EWGT 06


    Concept Covering for Automated Building Blocks Selection based on Business Processes Semantics
    The 8th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the 3rd IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing

    A Non-Monotonic Approach to Semantic Matchmaking and Request Refinement in E-Marketplaces
    1st International Workshop on Semantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval: Issues and Perspectives (SMR 2006)

    A Novel Edge Detection Algorithm using Cellular Neural Networks
    Proc. of 2006 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2006)

    Cellular Neural Networks for Video Compression: an Object-Oriented Approach
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos

    OwlEd: An Ontology Manager for MaMaS-tng
    14th Italian Symposium on ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati (SEBD-2006)

    Ontology driven resource discovery in a Bluetooth based m-marketplace
    Proc. of the third IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Commerce and Wireless Services WMCS

    Cellular Neural Networks for Edge Detection
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos

    Semantic-Based Toolkit for Automated Building Block Composition in SAP R/3
    10th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering CSMR 06

    A Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval Fully Exploiting the Semantics of Annotation
    Proceedings of the 21th ACM Annual ACM (SIGAPP) Symposium on Applied Computing.

    Design verification of web applications using symbolic model checking
    Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering 2005 ICWE 05

    Semantic based service discovery in ubiquitous computing
    Atti del XLIII Congresso Associazione Italiana per il Calcolo Automatico AICA 05


    Natural Language Processing for a Semantic Enabled Resource Retrieval Scenario
    27th Intl. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces

    Semantic-based automated composition of distributed learning objects for personalized e-learning
    The Semantic Web: Research and Applications 2nd European Semantic Web Conference ESWC 05

    Knowledge Based Approach to Semantic Composition of Teams in an Organization
    Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM (SIGAPP) Symposium on Applied Computing

    Automated semantic web services orchestration via concept covering
    Proceedings of the 14th International World Wide Web Conference WWW05 ACM Press

    A new object-oriented segmentation algorithm based on CNNs - part II: Performance Evaluation
    Proc. of 9th International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications (CNNA 2005), IEEE

    A new object-oriented segmentation algorithm based on CNNs - part I: Edge Extraction
    Proc. of 9th International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications (CNNA 2005), IEEE

    Non-standard inferences for knowledge-based image retrieval
    EWIMT 2005 2nd European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantic and Digital Media Techniques, IEE press

    Building-Blocks Composition based on Business Process Semantics for SAP R/3
    ISWC 2005 Workshop Semantic Web Case Studies and Best Practices for eBusiness (SWCASE05)

    Ontology-Based Natural Language Parser for E-Marketplaces
    18th Intl. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

    AnWeb: a System for Automatic Support to Web Application Verification
    SEKE 2002, 14th. Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Conference

    Improving Block-Based Motion Estimation in the Presence of Illumination Variation
    14th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002)

    Semantic-Based Resource Retrieval using Non-Standard Inference Services in Description Logics
    Thirteenth Italian Symposium on ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS - Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati (SEBD-2005)

    A Mathematical Model for the Steady State Throughput of the Westwood TCP Congestion Control Algorithm
    24th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces

    Knowledge Representation for Matchmaking in P2P
    Atti del VIII Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Intelligenza Artificiale

    Some geometrical and evolutionary Procedures for Optimizing the Calculation Times of 3-D Current Fields by the Finite Element Model
    COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    Web Applications Design and Maintenance using Symbolic Model Checking
    Proceedings of 7th IEEE European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering

    New Object-oriented Segmentation Algorithm based on the CNN
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II

    Semantic Matchmaking in a P2P Electronic Marketplace
    Proceedings of Eighteenth Annual ACM (SIGAPP) Symposium on Applied Computing SAC-03

    Abductive Matchmaking using Description Logics
    Proceedings of Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-03

    Un Sistema Web-Service Based per l'Integrazione del Distretto Industriale Murgiano
    tti del XLII Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana per il Calcolo Automatico AICA 04

    A CNN-based object-oriented coding system for real-time video compression
    Proceedings of 2004 IEEE Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2004)

    EbXML verification using Model Checking
    Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces

    ETERCA: An End-to-end Rate Control Algorithm For Packet Switching Networks
    Journal of High Speed Networks (JHSN)

    Content-Based Retrieval of Landmark Images using Structured Knowledge Representation
    Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Informatica e pianificazione urbana e territoriale (INPUT 2001)

    A Knowledge-Based System for Person-to-Person E-Commerce
    Proceedings of the KI-2001 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics (ADL-2001)

    Verifying integrity constraints on web-based systems using model checking
    Atti del XXXIX Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana per il Calcolo Automatico

    A new learning algorithm for pattern classification using cellular neural networks
    Proceedings of IEEE ISCAS International Symposium on Circuits and Systems

    Edge Enhancement for Sub-band Coded Images
    Optical Engineering

    End-to-End Congestion Control and Bandwidth Estimation in High Speed ATM Networks
    Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces