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Sistemi Operativi

Languages and Web Technologies

Embedded and Certified Software

Telematica II (Disattivato)

Programmazione dei Sistemi Avionici

Ambient Intelligence

Information Systems Design and Big Data

Michele Ruta

Full Professor

Michele Ruta received the master’s degree in Electronics Engineering from Polytechnic University of Bari in 2002 and the Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2007. He is currently full professor. His research interests include pervasive computing and ubiquitous web, knowledge representation systems and applications for wireless ad-hoc contexts. On these topics, he has co-authored more than 140 papers in international journals, edited books and conferences. He is involved in international and national research projects and is Program Committee member of several international conferences and workshops. He is also editorial board member of journals in areas related to his research interests.