Concept Covering for Automated Building Blocks Selection based on Business Processes Semantics

Concept Covering for Automated Building Blocks Selection based on Business Processes Semantics

The 8th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the 3rd IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing - -2006


di Cugno Francesco, Di Noia Tommaso, Di Sciascio Eugenio, Donini Francesco M., Ragone Azzurra


In this paper we present a novel approach and a system for automated selection of building blocks, by exploiting business processes semantics. The selection process is based on a novel greedy concept covering algorithm, which computes, given a description of the request, the set of needed building blocks. If such a set does not exist the algorithm returns the covered subset and explanation information on both the left uncovered part and conflicting part of the request description, exploiting non-standard inference services. The requested description can be expressed as conjunction of mandatory requirements and preferences. The approach has been deployed in a system specifically designed for SAP R/3 best practices reusability, which is fully functional and is currently being evaluated in an industrial setting.

Download: cec06.pdf


BibTex references

  author       = "di Cugno, Francesco and Di Noia, Tommaso and Di Sciascio, Eugenio and Donini, Francesco M. and Ragone, Azzurra",
  title        = "Concept Covering for Automated Building Blocks Selection based on Business Processes Semantics",
  booktitle    = "The 8th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the 3rd IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing",
  year         = "2006",
  url          = ""
