Management at the Edge of Situation Awareness during Patient Telemonitoring

Management at the Edge of Situation Awareness during Patient Telemonitoring

AIxIA 2020 - International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence - Advances in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS) - -2021


Ardito Carmelo, Di Noia Tommaso, Fasciano Corrado, Lofù Domenico, Macchiarulo Nicola, Mallardi Giulio, Pazienza Andrea, Vitulano Felice

Download: [AIxIA2020]_[CameraReady]_Management_at_the_Edge_of_Situation_Awareness_during_Patient_Telemonitoring.pdf


BibTex references

  author       = "Ardito, Carmelo and Di Noia, Tommaso and Fasciano, Corrado and Lof\`u, Domenico and Macchiarulo, Nicola and Mallardi, Giulio and Pazienza, Andrea and Vitulano, Felice",
  title        = "Management at the Edge of Situation Awareness  during Patient Telemonitoring",
  booktitle    = " AIxIA 2020 - International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence - Advances in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS)",
  volume       = "12412",
  year         = "2021",
  publisher    = "Springer",
  url          = ""
