Semantic-based Bluetooth-RFID interaction for advanced resource discovery in pervasive contexts

Semantic-based Bluetooth-RFID interaction for advanced resource discovery in pervasive contexts

International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems - -2008


Di Noia Tommaso, Di Sciascio Eugenio, Donini Francesco M., Ruta Michele, Scioscia Floriano, Tinelli Eufemia


We propose a novel object discovery framework integrating the application layer of Bluetooth and RFID standards. The approach is motivated and illustrated in an innovative u-commerce setting. Given a request, it allows an advanced discovery process, exploiting semantically annotated descriptions of goods available in the u-marketplace. The RFID data exchange protocol and the Bluetooth service discovery protocol have been modified and enhanced to enable support for such semantic annotation of products. Modifications to the standards have been conceived to be backward compatible, thus allowing the smooth coexistence of the legacy discovery and/or identification features. Also noteworthy is the introduction of a dedicated compression tool to reduce storage/transmission problems due to the verbosity of XML-based semantic languages.

Download: ruta_et_al_IJSWIS_MoSO _final_-2.pdf


BibTex references

  author       = "Di Noia, Tommaso and Di Sciascio, Eugenio and Donini, Francesco M. and Ruta, Michele and Scioscia, Floriano and Tinelli, Eufemia",
  title        = "Semantic-based Bluetooth-RFID interaction for advanced resource discovery in pervasive contexts",
  journal      = "International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems",
  number       = "1",
  volume       = "4",
  pages        = "50--74",
  year         = "2008",
  note         = "doi: 10.4018/jswis.2008010104",
  url          = ""
